He developed the first private luxury car and a yacht for Steve Jobs

The world’s first private luxury train, expected to cost more than $300 million, is reportedly being designed by the French designer, who is renowned for his top-notch superyacht designs. The 260-foot yacht Venus was made by French designer Thierry Gauguin for Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs. Gourgoin is renowned for having an exceptional aptitude for creating superyachts and private aircraft.

I have worked in the design industry for 30 years, producing everything from motorcycles to private aircraft to home furnishings.  According to Times Now News, the person who designed the world’s first high-end luxury private train is the same person who designed expensive luxury private transportation cars for millionaires.

This opulent train, known as The G Train, was made with a single owner in mind. It is a smart train of a certain sort, 1,300 feet long, with 14 units.  According to rumors, these coaches will be protected by sophisticated smart glass. For privacy, high-tech smart glasses may change from clear to opaque. Additionally, He said that the scene could alter the color depending on how you were feeling.

There will be 18 guest rooms within, including a deluxe suite. There is a gym, a spa, and dining areas for individuals who desire to engage in sports. There will also be more public space. He claimed that in addition to an interior garden, they would be able to construct wing-like rooms from the side of the train for outdoor gatherings.

A single train has a maximum capacity of 18 passengers and a top speed of 160 km/h. According to him, the railroads in both Europe and America can use the train tracks. The G Train luxury train is expected to cost roughly 350 million US dollars to build, and Gauguin and his team have been working to make the train’s operations more efficient for several years. In social media, the Snowpiercer train from the outside world is referred to as Gauguin’s stylish, luxurious train.