Three hinges are used in a new concept phone from OPPO

The new concept slide-phone from OPPO and the Japanese design company Nendo features three hinges. The concept of a foldable phone with a triple hinge that can be adjusted to seven different sizes was presented. OPPO Slide-Phone is the model name of the example phone, which is merely displayed as a design.

OPPO was a business that had previously displayed foldable phone sample designs. As the name implies, the OPPO X 2021 Rollable Phone was introduced with a design that included a button that could move the display to the side.

The Roll Motor powertrain system, the 2-in-1 Plate, and the high-strength Warp Track screen are the three company-exclusive technologies included in the OPPO X 2021 Rollable Phone.

The OPPO Slid-Phone has a more distinctive design. It is made with a design that can be folded up and down; when completely extended, it will be 7 inches long and slim. The phone is appealing since it can be folded in half and is made to be as small as necessary.

A 44mm (more than 1.5 inches) screen with the call history, Notifications, and Music Player Interface will be visible when you slide up through the top. On the second slide, it is said that the 80mm-sized screen may be used for gaming and taking selfies.

The phone’s 7-inch screen will be long and slender when completely expanded. According to the manufacturer, the phone is also somewhat flexible. Because it is currently simply a concept, the phone should be viewed as a prototype item in the market.