Samsung is advancing battery technology

The new Graphene battery technology will be used in Samsung devices starting in 2021. Samsung’s research and development of new graphite battery technology are virtually complete, according to well-known smartphone journalist Evans Blatt’s Twitter.

The existing lithium-ion battery technology will be replaced by graphite battery technology, which will allow for much faster charging. A complete charge takes less than 30 minutes. We still need to increase performance, but it is less expensive. On his Twitter, Blats posted is said that graphite batteries are lighter and have a better battery capacity. Graphite, a kind of carbon, has the potential to reduce the size and thickness of battery packs compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries.

For years, businesses and groups have been attempting to apply this technology to the consumer electronics market. Korean researchers have unveiled translucent graphite memory modules, while the Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic has created a compact bendable graphite battery. With the aid of graphite technology, Samsung has developed flexible foldable displays.

Researchers from Samsung created a graphene ball in 2017 that charges 5 times quicker than lithium-ion batteries. Samsung has been looking at battery design faults since the Galaxy Note 7 battery was released in 2016. Samsung implemented the Eight-Point Examination method for phone batteries after the Galaxy Note 7 was taken off the market owing to a fire explosion. By the end of 2020, smartphones using Samsung’s graphite battery technology may be available.